Nyansapo (2020)


" Earth was made beautiful and complete so that the moon

would be all eyes on her.

You can never buy that.’’

This painting includes three Adinkra symbols which are Nyansapo, Asase Ye Duru and Gye Nyame (as usual).

As I’d decided to use Nyansapo (wisdom knot) for incarnation I placed it on the character’s headwear. This symbol represents wisdom, ingenuity, intelligence and patience.

Nyansapo is a counselor, a teacher and maybe a priestess in her community. She is sitting with a scale in front of her in order deliver a message.

One side of the scale carries gold, a lot of gold. The other side carries both Gye Nyame (supremacy of God) and Asase Ye Duru symbols. The latter litterally means that the Earth has weight.

It symbolizes the divinity of Mother Earth and the importance of Earth in sustaining life. It is a reminder of the respect we owe to our ‘’home’’.

We can clearly see here which one of the two sides has the most value to the scale. No matter how much gold or riches you may bring, the balance of the scale will remain the same. That is Nyansapo’s message.



Nyansapo (2020)

« Earth was made beautiful and complete

so that the moon

would be all eyes on her.

You can never buy that. »


This painting includes three Adinkra symbols which are Nyansapo, Asase Ye Duru and Gye Nyame (as usual).

As I’d decided to use Nyansapo (wisdom knot) for incarnation I placed it on the character’s headwear. This symbol represents wisdom, ingenuity, intelligence and patience.

Nyansapo is a counselor, a teacher and maybe a priestess in her community. She is sitting with a scale in front of her in order deliver a message.

One side of the scale carries gold, a lot of gold. The other side carries both Gye Nyame (supremacy of God) and Asase Ye Duru symbols. The latter litterally means that the Earth has weight.

It symbolizes the divinity of Mother Earth and the importance of Earth in sustaining life. It is a reminder of the respect we owe to our ‘’home’’.

We can clearly see here which one of the two sides has the most value to the scale. No matter how much gold or riches you may bring, the balance of the scale will remain the same. That is Nyansapo’s message.



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