Building it (2019)

"We told everyone

That we wanted our dreamhouse.

They all said :

"Keep dreaming!"

We kept dreaming.

That’s how we built it."


Kokuromotie, the thumb, is the Adinkra symbol of cooperation, participation, harmony, teamwork and indispensability. Nice concept, isn’t it ?

Here we are with two lovers taking a big step. They are building their house, TOGETHER, putting their own hands in the project.

They’re both using their physical and mental strength, their wisdom, resources and love for each other to make a home. And that energy, Kokuromotie, is going straight into the bricks, and the cement to produce the unbreakable, unshakable walls of a happy dwelling.

Let’s  wish them all the best.

‘’We told everyone

That we wanted our dreamhouse.

They all said : « Keep dreaming!»

We kept dreaming.

That’s how we built it.’


Building it (2019)

Kokuromotie, the thumb, is the Adinkra symbol of cooperation, participation, harmony, teamwork and indispensability. Nice concept, isn’t it ?

Here we are with two lovers taking a big step. They are building their house, TOGETHER, putting their own hands in the project.

They’re both using their physical and mental strength, their wisdom, resources and love for each other to make a home. And that energy, Kokuromotie, is going straight into the bricks, and the cement to produce the unbreakable, unshakable walls of a happy dwelling.

Let’s  wish them all the best.

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