Fafanto Too, Harmony Fruit (2022)

Fafanto means « butterfly ». 
It is the Adinkra symbol of tenderness, gentleness, fragility and honesty.
This symbol was perfect to go back to my series about the two lovers, but it was also a great one for the Transmission theme.
As I was visualizing what the painting with the two lovers could be like, the inspiration of a ''twin'' painting came to my mind and it gave birth to Fafanto Too, Harmony Fruit.

Find the associated work Fafanto, a Harmony Tale, in the Romance section..

Fafanto means « butterfly ». 
It is the Adinkra symbol of tenderness, gentleness, fragility and honesty.
This symbol was perfect to go back to my series about the two lovers, but it was also a great one for the Transmission theme.
As I was visualizing what the painting with the two lovers could be like, the inspiration of a ''twin'' painting came to my mind and it gave birth to Fafanto Too, a Harmony Fruit
Find the associated work Fafanto, a Harmony Tale, in the Romance section.

Fafanto Too, Harmony Fruit (2022)

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