Led by Love (2024)


This painting was inspired by an interpretation of the Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan symbol saying «those led by love end up in the right place ».
This interpretation is close to to the one we more often see « Love never loses its way home ». It just gives just gives a different perspective of it.
«Home » is the « right place ». … And « home is where the heart is », isn’t it ?
I love how these three statements connect.
In my view the love that is referred to is not just about romance. It’s also about heart, character, values and good intentions. It is a reminder that when you are inhabited by these, your path is covered, and that somehow you will reach your destination.
I’ve worked with this symbol before. You’ll find it in « Akoma’s Blessings », « Odo’s Mission », « First Sight – Me Ware Wo » and among the «Queens and Cowries».
Now, as « Led by Love » is a 2 in 1 painting I can say that this is my 5th and 6th time involving Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan in a creation. Thanks to a phosphorescent gel. The mountain landscape can turn into a starry sky every night showing Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan watching over the « Twin Flames » that you may have seen among my earliest works.
The picture you see here is the best I managed to get of the night version with my camera. Just trust me that the real thing has much more glow and details 😉 .

Led by Love (2024)


This painting was inspired by an interpretation of the Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan sym-bol saying «those led by love end up in the right place ».
This interpretation is close to to the one we more often see « Love never loses its way home ». It just gives just gives a different perspective of it.
«Home » is the « right place ». … And « home is where the heart is », isn’t it ?
I love how these three statements connect.
In my view the love that is referred to is not just about romance. It’s also about heart, character, values and good intentions. It is a reminder that when you are inhabited by these, your path is covered, and that somehow you will reach your destination.
I’ve worked with this symbol before. You’ll find it in « Akoma’s Blessings », « Odo’s Mission », « First Sight – Me Ware Wo » and among the «Queens and Cowries».
Now, as « Led by Love » is a 2 in 1 painting I can say that this is my 5th and 6th time involving Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan in a creation. Thanks to a phosphorescent gel. The mountain landscape can turn into a starry sky every night showing Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan watching over the « Twin Flames » that you may have seen among my earliest works.
The picture you see here is the best I managed to get of the night version with my camera. Just trust me that the real thing has much more glow and details 😉 


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