Owia A Repue - Rising Sun (2023)


I love lily flowers. There is something about their blooming that I particularly appreciate. And what a great surprise it was finding out that the species I like the most is also called the ''Stargazer''! Meaning lily flowers love the sun, just like I do...

Take the time to go within, you will find things about yourself that nobody is able to tell you.


Owia a repue (Rising sun) is the Adinkra symbol of progress, renewal, warmth and energy. '' It emphasizes the importance of facing each new day with the courage and determination necessary to make it through. People are reminded that a new day is always just beyond the horizon, and that regardless of how challenging the previous night may have been, there is always another day waiting just beyond the horizon. The rising sun is a symbol of new begin-ning. '' (symbolikon.com)

I love lily flowers. There is something about their blooming that I particularly appreciate. And what a great surprise it was finding out that the species I like the most is also cal-led the ''Stargazer''! Meaning lily flowers love the sun, just like I do...
Take the time to go within, you will find things about yourself that nobody is able to tell you.

Owia a repue (Rising sun) is the Adinkra symbol of pro-gress, rene-wal, warmth and energy. '' It emphasizes the importance of facing each new day with the courage and determination necessary to make it through. People are reminded that a new day is always just beyond the horizon, and that regardless of how challenging the previous night may have been, there is always another day waiting just beyond the horizon. The rising sun is a symbol of new be-gin-ning. '' (symbolikon.com)

Owia A Repue - Rising Sun (2023)

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