About Blessings (2020)


"Each page that I get to start 
is a sweet reminder 
that someday this notebook might
run out of space.
But this pen will never run out of ink
nor out of memory..."



Nyame Nti means ‘’by God’s grace’’ and symbolizes faith and trust in God. According to the Adinkra dictionnary by W. Bruce Willis ‘’this stalk is depicted as the staff of life in many cultures. It symbolizes to the Akan that food is a basis of life and that they could not survive if not for the food that God has placed here on Earth for their nourishment.’’ Nyame Nti is also considered an equivalent to the Gye Nyame symbol.
I decided to make Nyame Nti as a pen in the hand of this woman who is in an act of gratitude. Sitting in a peaceful and sunny environment, she is taking time for herself to focus on everything that has been and is going right in her life, on her achievements, her life journey.
The result of such an act of gratitude is not that you should just settle for what you have but the joy of realizing that the universe actually wants you to prosper in many aspects of your life and to have not less than a fair one. 
Nobody on Earth should be allowed to act in a way that would keep you or others away from that. No human being is above another.

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Nyame Nti means ‘’by God’s grace’’ and symbolizes faith and trust in God. According to the Adinkra dictionnary by W. Bruce Willis ‘’this stalk is depicted as the staff of life in many cultures. It symbolizes to the Akan that food is a basis of life and that they could not survive if not for the food that God has placed here on Earth for their nourishment.’’ Nyame Nti is also considered an equivalent to the Gye Nyame symbol.
I decided to make Nyame Nti as a pen in the hand of this woman who is in an act of gratitude. Sitting in a peaceful and sunny environment, she is taking time for herself to focus on everything that has been and is going right in her life, on her achievements, her life journey.
The result of such an act of gratitude is not that you should just settle for what you have but the joy of realizing that the universe actually wants you to prosper in many aspects of your life and to have not less than a fair one. 
Nobody on Earth should be allowed to act in a way that would keep you or others away from that. No human being is above another. 


« Each page that I get to start 
is a sweet reminder 
that someday this notebook might
run out of space.
But this pen will never run out of ink
nor out of memory...»



About Blessings (2020)