Duafe (2017)

"These palm trees are extraordinary friends to us. They know all our beauty secrets

 and keep them safe.

They witness all our caring gestures

to our hair and skin. But they never tell anyone.

And whenever we forget one, they gently blow memories to our ears and shoulders

so we remember what to do.

That is why we treasure trees."


Duafe, which is the wooden comb represented on the small chest and on the brown lid, is the symbol of beauty, feminine hygiene, love and care. I depicted it here as a woman passing those values to a little girl who can be seen as her own daughter, baby sister or a younger version of herself.

Now why are there so little beauty products in this painting and not even a mirror ? The answer is simple.  First of all, because all women are beautiful. The beauty I am talking about here is more about a feeling than looks. It is about self care. Second of all, I wanted to insist on nature and simplicity. The scene purposefully takes place outside, in a healthy atmosphere and cosmetics are represented by the reference care product in Africa. I name shea butter ! As it is commonly found in the shape of variously sized balls I painted it that way in the brown pot placed between Duafe and the little girl. The word Ayokoumi written on it means shea butter in Togo, my parents’ native country. Tribute ! 

Shea butter comes from a tree. Let’s treasure trees for all the riches they provide.  

Duafe, which is the wooden comb represented on the small chest and on the brown lid, is the symbol of beauty, feminine hygiene, love and care. I depicted it here as a woman passing those values to a little girl who can be seen as her own daughter, baby sister or a younger version of herself.

Now why are there so little beauty products in this painting and not even a mirror ? The answer is simple.  First of all, because all women are beautiful. The beauty I am talking about here is more about a feeling than looks. It is about self care. Second of all, I wanted to insist on nature and simplicity. The scene purposefully takes place outside, in a healthy atmosphere and cosmetics are represented by the reference care product in Africa. I name shea butter ! As it is commonly found in the shape of variously sized balls I painted it that way in the brown pot placed between Duafe and the little girl. The word Ayokoumi written on it means shea butter in Togo, my parents’ native country. Tribute ! 

Shea butter comes from a tree. Let’s treasure trees for all the riches they provide.  


'' These palm trees are extraordinary friends to us. They know all our beauty secrets and keep them safe.They witness all our caring gestures to our hair and skin. But they never tell anyone. And whenever we forget one, they gently blow memories to our ears and shoulders so we remember what to do.

That is why we treasure trees. "


Duafe (2017)

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