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Eban - Safe in Love (2017)

" No matter the time, no matter the clouds,

the sun is shining. Always…

No matter the season,

the sun is heat. Always…

No matter where we are.

No matter what we are going through,

your arms around me

feel just like the sun.



This piece is about the security and shelter love provides to a couple. This concept is featured by the umbrella carrying the Eban (fence) symbol meaning love, safety and security. More than a protection against the rain, this umbrella must be seen as a shelter against the many adversities of life.

This safety is also represented through reciprocity as it is a protection that is efficient only when both elements of the couple are involved and making sure that both of them are safe.

The male character is carrying his sweetheart so that she doesn’t have to walk on a wet and muddy ground and this, enables her to hold the protection above both their heads. Each of them is actually using their physical strength to protect one another. This is true cooperation.

The male character is the one carrying (on his pants) the symbol of strength, power and bravery which is Okodee Mmowere (the talons of the eagle), but the female character is the one carrying the Ankh symbol representing life. And it is on the male character’s chest that appears the symbol of interdependance Boa Me Na Me Mmoa Wo, meaning help me and let me help you. In this painting, it is meant  to specify that there is no space for the strong man/weak woman stereotypes in this couple. Both elements are to bring the required energy and care that will enable them to move forward in life.

Now let’s go back to the use of the Ankh symbol in this piece. It is an Egyptian symbol that strongly reminds the Akua’ba fertility dolls that the Ashanti people use when performing rituals. Ancient Egyptian civilisation also being a fascination to me I wanted to make a link between the two cultures through this painting.

 Also the dressing of the female character is a tribute to Egypt and to Queen Nefertiti as her top repeats the colors from the crown on the famous bust discovered in Tal El Amar (Egypt) in 1912.

While looking at this painting, bear in mind that Nefertiti and Akhenaton were nicknamed « the solar couple » and are remembered for their great accomplishments.

No matter the clouds, the sun is always shining. Always…

Eban - Safe in Love (2017)

'' No matter the time, no matter the clouds,

the sun is shining. Always…

No matter the season,

the sun is heat. Always…

No matter where we are.

No matter what we are going through,

your arms around me

feel just like the sun. Always…''


This piece is about the security and shelter love provides to a couple. This concept is featured by the umbrella carrying the Eban (fence) symbol meaning love, safety and security. More than a protection against the rain, this umbrella must be seen as a shelter against the many adversities of life.

This safety is also represented through reciprocity as it is a protection that is efficient only when both elements of the couple are involved and making sure that both of them are safe.

The male character is carrying his sweetheart so that she doesn’t have to walk on a wet and muddy ground and this, enables her to hold the protection above both their heads. Each of them is actually using their physical strength to protect one another. This is true cooperation.

The male character is the one carrying (on his pants) the symbol of strength, power and bravery which is Okodee Mmowere (the talons of the eagle), but the female character is the one carrying the Ankh symbol representing life. And it is on the male character’s chest that appears the symbol of interdependance Boa Me Na Me Mmoa Wo, meaning help me and let me help you. In this painting, it is meant  to specify that there is no space for the strong man/weak woman stereotypes in this couple. Both elements are to bring the required energy and care that will enable them to move forward in life.

Now let’s go back to the use of the Ankh symbol in this piece. It is an Egyptian symbol that strongly reminds the Akua’ba fertility dolls that the Ashanti people use when performing rituals. Ancient Egyptian civilisation also being a fascination to me I wanted to make a link between the two cultures through this painting.

 Also the dressing of the female character is a tribute to Egypt and to Queen Nefertiti as her top repeats the colors from the crown on the famous bust discovered in Tal El Amar (Egypt) in 1912.

While looking at this painting, bear in mind that Nefertiti and Akhenaton were nicknamed « the solar couple » and are remembered for their great accomplishments.

No matter the clouds, the sun is always shining. Always…