Equity & Sharing (2019)




"Mother Earth sent us to walk her lands.

She said the world needs we enter

each and every heart that beats…

We are equity and sharing."

Meet Equity and Sharing. They are non identical twins but are strongly linked to each other by a special cooperativeness depicted here as a totemic figure of « Boa Me Na Me Mmoa Wo », the symbol of interdependency meaning « Help me and let me help you » (see Eban – Safe in Love painting in the Romance section).


Each sister has a life mission corresponding to her own name and therefore carries the adinkra symbols of three values related to that purpose on the top of their dress. Let’s have a look at Equity for a start.


Equity is in blue as it is the color of justice. The first symbol on her dress is « Nokore » for truth, validity and authenticity. Under Nokore is « Adwo » symbolizing peace and serenity. In third position « Mpuankron » represents participatory democracy and disapproval of dictatorship. All three values are highly important as they play a part in the promoting and securing of equity in many fields like social and cultural groups, workplace or within a nation, between nations and else.


Now let’s focus on Sharing who is wearing a green dress as a reference to generosity.


The first symbol on her chest is « Akwaaba » which is very popular in West Africa. It means welcome and represents hospitality and greeting. « Abusua Pa », at the center, is about family unity, kinship ties, and family support. The last symbol is « Asetena Pa » for good life, prosperity, and social ascending. These are three values that perfectly work with the principle of sharing by making it meaningful and obvious.


The sisters were born to help building a better world and that makes them Sankofa’s best friends and allies (see and read story of this other female messenger in the Incarnation section).


Knowing all this and seeing Equity and Sharing standing in the light with their eyes closed you can only imagine that they are actually communicating their energy to their wise friend. The fact is that equity and sharing are energies of abundance, and the abundance conveyed by each girl is depicted on the vases they are holding on their head (just above Gye Nyame symbols). Bese Saka, the bag of cola nuts, is indeed a symbol of abundance, affluence, togetherness and unity.


Earth is wide enough and produces more goods than necessary for its inhabitants. The purpose of equity and sharing is to make these accessible to all. To complete their mission they only need unhindered paths…



Equity and Sharing (2019)

Meet Equity and Sharing. They are non identical twins but are strongly linked to each other by a special cooperativeness depicted here as a totemic figure of « Boa Me Na Me Mmoa Wo », the symbol of interdependency meaning « Help me and let me help you » (see Eban – Safe in Love painting in the Romance section).


Each sister has a life mission corresponding to her own name and therefore carries the adinkra symbols of three values related to that purpose on the top of their dress. Let’s have a look at Equity for a start.


Equity is in blue as it is the color of justice. The first symbol on her dress is « Nokore » for truth, validity and authenticity. Under Nokore is « Adwo » symbolizing peace and serenity. In third position « Mpuankron » represents participatory democracy and disapproval of dictatorship. All three values are highly important as they play a part in the promoting and securing of equity in many fields like social and cultural groups, workplace or within a nation, between nations and else.


Now let’s focus on Sharing who is wearing a green dress as a reference to generosity.


The first symbol on her chest is « Akwaaba » which is very popular in West Africa. It means welcome and represents hospitality and greeting. « Abusua Pa », at the center, is about family unity, kinship ties, and family support. The last symbol is « Asetena Pa » for good life, prosperity, and social ascending. These are three values that perfectly work with the principle of sharing by making it meaningful and obvious.


The sisters were born to help building a better world and that makes them Sankofa’s best friends and allies (see and read story of this other female messenger in the Incarnation section).


Knowing all this and seeing Equity and Sharing standing in the light with their eyes closed you can only imagine that they are actually communicating their energy to their wise friend. The fact is that equity and sharing are energies of abundance, and the abundance conveyed by each girl is depicted on the vases they are holding on their head (just above Gye Nyame symbols). Bese Saka, the bag of cola nuts, is indeed a symbol of abundance, affluence, togetherness and unity.


 Earth is wide enough and produces more goods than necessary for its inhabitants. The purpose of equity and sharing is to make these accessible to all. To complete their mission they only need unhindered paths…



'' Mother Earth sent us

to walk her lands.

She said the world needs we enter

each and every heart that beats…

We are equity and sharing."


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