Unconditional Too - A Human Family (2019)

"Attention and smile

were meant for each other.

Everytime they meet,

they seduce each other

and give birth to joy."



Transmission of the love of self from a very young age is extremely important. This is what I intended to depict here and I chose to do it through a little girl born with albinism.


As you can see she is surrounded by both her mum and dad. It is a beautiful family led by an unconditional love. A love that will strengthen this child in her facing prejudice.


If you know my works, the way the mother is represented should evoke for you my previous painting in this section, A Mother’s Arms 😉. Regarding the father, see that he has the Eban symbol printed on his T-shirt. Eban (theme of one of my Romance paintings) means fence and symbolises the safety one can find in a home, safety against adversities of life and safety provided by love (parental love here of course).


The father is also presenting his daughter with a doll that looks like her and truly represents her. An albino doll meant to help her cultivate her self esteem and awareness of her own beauty.


In addition to being a celebration of parental love and of the confidence that such a love can bring to a growing child, this painting is a praise to those of the toy manufacturers and authors of children’s litterature who have understood the roles they have to play and have fully taken action to meet the children’s needs in terms of representation.

It is also a message to those who still haven’t.

Unconditional Too -
A Human Family (2019)

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Transmission of the love of self from a very young age is extremely important. This is what I intended to depict here and I chose to do it through a little girl born with albinism.

As you can see she is surrounded by both her mum and dad. It is a beautiful family led by an unconditional love. A love that will strengthen this child in her facing prejudice.

If you know my works, the way the mother is represented should evoke for you my previous painting in this section, A Mother’s Arms 😉. Regarding the father, see that he has the Eban symbol printed on his T-shirt. Eban (theme of one of my Romance paintings) means fence and symbolises the safety one can find in a home, safety against adversities of life and safety provided by love (parental love here of course).

The father is also presenting his daughter with a doll that looks like her and truly represents her. An albino doll meant to help her cultivate her self esteem and awareness of her own beauty.

In addition to being a celebration of parental love and of the confidence that such a love can bring to a growing child, this painting is a praise to those of the toy manufacturers and authors of children’s litterature who have understood the roles they have to play and have fully taken action to meet the children’s needs in terms of representation.

It is also a message to those who still haven’t.


« Attention and smile

were meant for each other.

Everytime they meet,

they seduce each other

and give birth to joy ».
