'' I like blue.
When it colors the sky it colors the sea and then horizon makes them one.
My people keep saying that
I am like horizon because
whenever darkness is among us,
I chase it away
and we become one again.
I like blue."
This is Mpatapo. Her name means reconciliation. She is a peacemaker in all types of community and therefore bears her most important values on each arm.
Mate Masie, on the left arm, means I understand and is about the fact that she will always use prudence when listening to what everyone has to say. It is the symbol of wisdom, prudence and knowledge.
Nkonsonkonson, on the right arm, represents chain links. It symbolizes the importance of contributing to a community and that in unity lies strength.
Mpatapo is of great wisdom and refuses to give any ground to injustice, unbalance and misunderstanding. Her mission is so important to her that she carries her name on both her belly and her djembe. She is not standing as a sentencing judge though but as a true peacemaker.
Know that whenever Mpatapo starts beating her djembe to settle an argument she is actually inviting everyone to join a coming party as there is no better way to forget grudges.
For this reason a peacemaker should also be considered a ray of sunshine.
This is Mpatapo. Her name means reconciliation. She is a peacemaker in all types of community and therefore bears her most important values on each arm.
Mate Masie, on the left arm, means I understand and is about the fact that she will always use prudence when listening to what everyone has to say. It is the symbol of wisdom, prudence and knowledge.
Nkonsonkonson, on the right arm, represents chain links. It symbolizes the importance of contributing to a community and that in unity lies strength.
Mpatapo is of great wisdom and refuses to give any ground to injustice, unbalance and misunderstanding. Her mission is so important to her that she carries her name on both her belly and her djembe. She is not standing as a sentencing judge though but as a true peacemaker.
Know that whenever Mpatapo starts beating her djembe to settle an argument she is actually inviting everyone to join a coming party as there is no better way to forget grudges.
For this reason a peacemaker should also be considered a ray of sunshine.
'' I like blue.
When it colors the sky it colors the sea and then horizon makes them one.
My people keep saying that I am like horizon because whenever darkness is among us, I chase it away and we become one again.
I like blue. ''
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