Odo's Mission (2016)

" I keep hearing pleas and prayers.

They are spoken from the heart. All different but the same somehow :

« Please, bring my child back.

Bring my sweetheart back. Mend my heart.

Send me somebody, please… »

I am Odo, a harmony protector.

I am love, I am strength.

I will give you some if you wish,

through my arrow and bow.

Just when I aim at you

don’t flee, stand still, greet the shot

and I will be with you, forever."


This is Odo. Her name means love in Twi language (Ghana). I wanted to create a kind of African Cupid so I gave her a bow and arrow with a painless spike in the shape of Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan symbol. This litterally means that Love never loses its way home.

The difference with Cupid is that Odo not only makes people fall in love, she also secures love. She makes sure that somebody who is lost or has left (whatever be the reason) will always have the possibility to return to their loved ones as long as they follow their heart.

This works for children, for parents, for friends, lovers and even pets. Just think of cats and dogs returning to their master like magic after months or years of disappearance… They’d tell you that they met Odo.

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Odo's Mission (2016)

'' I keep hearing pleas and prayers. They are spoken from the heart. All different but the same somehow :

« Please, bring my child back. Bring my sweetheart back. Mend my heart. Send me somebody, please… »

I am Odo, a harmony protector. I am love, I am strength. I will give you some if you wish, through my arrow and bow. Just when I aim at you don’t flee, stand still, greet the shot

and I will be with you, forever.''


This is Odo. Her name means love in Twi language (Ghana). I wanted to create a kind of African Cupid so I gave her a bow and arrow with a painless spike in the shape of Odo Nnyew Fie Kwan symbol. This litterally means that Love never loses its way home.

The difference with Cupid is that Odo not only makes people fall in love, she also secures love. She makes sure that somebody who is lost or has left (whatever be the reason) will always have the possibility to return to their loved ones as long as they follow their heart.

This works for children, for parents, for friends, lovers and even pets. Just think of cats and dogs returning to their master like magic after months or years of disappearance…

 They’d tell you that they met Odo.