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Unconditional - The Twin Flames (2016)

" So we ran away… Here we dwell,

bathing in light, bathing in love.

No one can see us though we don’t hide.

No one can reach us though this place

is fenceless.

We are just far in love

and we won’t go back."



The purpose of this painting is to depict true love. Here are twin flames. More than two bodies, these are two souls, two spirits meant for each other and deep in love.

We know from History, litterature and life that lovers don’t always have the opportunity to experience their passion as a couple. This painting is a picture of what love possibly looks like when it is shared by two people whether they can live it together or not.

 Their holding of each other and the fusion of their arms and hands symbolize their feelings, their protective roles toward each other and the fact that they are inseparable. Romance and kindness…

God’s protection and approval of their relationship is represented by the halo surrounding them and the Gye Nyame symbol above their heads. The sun is watching over them as their only witness while the empty beach emphasizes the fact that nothing on Earth is strong enough to come close and threaten this union.

Unswerving love.

" So we ran away…Here we dwell,

bathing in light, bathing in love.

No one can see us though we don’t hide.

No one can reach us though this place

is fenceless.

We are just far in love

and we won’t go back.''


The purpose of this painting is to depict true love. Here are twin flames. More than two bodies, these are two souls, two spirits meant for each other and deep in love.

We know from History, litterature and life that lovers don’t always have the opportunity to experience their passion as a couple. This painting is a picture of what love possibly looks like when it is shared by two people whether they can live it together or not.

 Their holding of each other and the fusion of their arms and hands symbolize their feelings, their protective roles toward each other and the fact that they are inseparable. Romance and kindness…

God’s protection and approval of their relationship is represented by the halo surrounding them and the Gye Nyame symbol above their heads. The sun is watching over them as their only witness while the empty beach emphasizes the fact that nothing on Earth is strong enough to come close and threaten this union. Unswerving love.

Unconditional - The Twin Flames (2016)